
Zombies and vampires on a plane

Publicerad 2013-04-30 00:04:38 i Allmänt,

In 2006... The world's two most common fears was brought together in "Snakes on a plane"... Now two other common fears are brought together with one of the last two because we felt that it would be kind of cool...
Zombies and vampires on a plane!!!
Flight 20BBQ to Vancouver on November, 2nd, is like any other flight. On board is the retired cop Baxter Fuckoff (armed to his teeth with weapons that could not possibly have gone by any security control in the world) who's just trying to get away from his annoying wife at home. But he is about to find out... that staying at home listening to his wife bitch about their failing marriage, would be a walk in the park compared to what's coming. Suddenly...
... FUCKING ZOMBIES AND VAMPIRES STORM OUT FROM NOWHERE!!! They start killing everybody!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Baxter pulls out a machine gun and starts shooting. He yells to the group of people on whom the movie will mainly focus that they should get their asses to the cockpit. They manage to get there in time and lock the door. Guy-who-curses-a-lot,-doesn't-trust-the-main-character-and-obviously-dies-later-on: "OK? So now what? What the fuck do we do now mr. Hero?" Baxter: "I'm workin' on it!" GWCALDTTMCAODLO: "Well, work some shit out fast cause those fucking things are gonna break in here any minute!"
Hot-girl-who's-only-purpose-in-the-movie-is-undressing-at-one-point-so-we-can-use-that-shot-in-the-trailer: "Oh, my God!" Baxter: "Enough! I have had it with these motherfucking zombies and vampires on this motherfucking plane!" Baxter pulls out a flame thrower. Older-professor-guy,-conveniently-there-to-help-with-his-lifelong-expertise-on-the-current-threat: "That wont work! Zombies and vampires cannot be harmed by..." Baxter kicks the door open and burns all the zombies and vampires to ashes. HGWOPITMIUAOPSTCUTSITT: "Oh, my God!" Baxter: "Shut up!!!"

Ludvigs bloggskola

Publicerad 2013-04-22 21:21:14 i Allmänt,

Jag: "Välkomna till Ludvigs bloggskola! Trevligt att se... tre... pers här. Vad fan, jag hade ju satt upp affischer överallt." Janus: "Ja, jag är ju här i alla fall!" Jag: "Nähä, är du?! Vad bra!" Vanja: "Alltså, hallå... Kan vi börja nu eller? Jag ska faktiskt äta kräftor med min syster ikväll och vill inte bli sen." Putvard: "Ja, jag har faktiskt mycket att stå i jag också!" Jag: "Okej, käften då. Okej, regel nummer ett är att undvika videobloggar för det typ suger." Vanja: "Okej, jag drar." Jag: "Ja, gör det. Nästa regel är att fånga läsarens intresse med en smaskig rubrik på alla inlägg!" Janus: "Alltså, jag har läst din blogg... Jag tycker inte du har så smaskiga rubriker. Plus att du typ bara skriver om smurfar och Sagan om ringen och skit." Jag: "Jaha, och du skriver om...?" Janus: "Jag skriver om samhällets baksi..." Jag: "BAA, FY FAN VAD DÅLIGT!!! UT! DU SUGER! UNDERKÄND! Jaha, det verkar som om du är den ende kvar." Putvard: "Ja, minsann!" Jag: "Läs lite ur din blogg." Putvard: "Okej."
Putvard: "Kyla. Den kramar mitt inre som vore det ett gosedjur. Jag faller. Ned i köldens skugga. Vem är det?! Det är Natten. Natten med stort N. Jag ber honom. Natten! Vart är jag på väg?! Hjälp mig i min flykt! Men Natten svarar inte." Jag: "Mm... Ja, ut." Putvard: "Va?" Jag: "Jamen, shit. Jag tål inte din typ. Du försöker få folk att tro att du är djup genom att skriva massa svammel och kalla det poesi." Putvard: "Men du skriver ju dikter också! Eller förut." Jag: "Jamen, jag skriver inte som en tönt." Putvard: "MEH, DU ÄR FAN TÖNT!!!!!!!" Jag: "Nej du, lilla bajsponke där!" Putvard: "MEH DÖ!!!!!!!!!" Batman: "Men snälla herrn, nu är du väl ändå omogen så det både räcker och blir över?" Jag: "Tack, Batman. Vill du eskortera herr Arselbus till dörren?" Putvard: "JAG E INTE ARSELBUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Batman: "Han är faktiskt ganska mycket arselbus, tycker jag!" Putvard: "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Star wars - revenge of the sith

Publicerad 2013-04-20 21:52:06 i Allmänt,

Anakin has started to doubt that the Counsil trusts him. They just wont make him a Jedi master. He is outraged. Anakin: "I am outraged!" Obi-Wan: "Calm down, Anakin! You almost sound like you want to turn to the dark side! If you do that I am gonna have to kill you! And boy, would that be an emotionally painful thing for me to do!" Anakin: "You don't trust me either! The only one who trusts me is Palpatine!" Obi-Wan: "Yes, but he is nothing but a bad influence on you! I bet he teaches you naughty things! Like slaughtering children and... wear creepy hoods and stuff..." Anakin: "He does no such things! Palpatine seems to be the only one capable of running this republic! I bet under his leadership everything will work out fine. It's not like he's gonna build a giant death star!" Obi-Wan: "I kind of think he will..." Anakin: "Fuck you!" Obi-Wan: "Aha! You never cursed before! Palpatine has taught you bad language!"
Yoda enters the room. Yoda: "Obi-Wan, talk to that guy you shouldn't. Trusted he cannot be. A Jedi master he is like very far from becoming." Anakin: "Yoda, what will I have to do to gain your trust?!" Yoda: "Kill Palpatine." Anakin: "Aw, come on!!! What is your problem with him?" Yoda: "An asshole he is. A bad influence on you I think he is." Obi-Wan: "That's what said! I just didn't use that fucked up grammar." Yoda: "Fucked up my grammar is not!" Anakin: "Master Yoda, killing an old man like you suggest is not the Jedi way!" Yoda: "Telling me what's right you are? Eh, fuck you?" Anakin: "That's it! I will not have this!" Obi-Wan: "Wait! There's a disturbance in the Force! Oh, shit, Padmé just died." Anakin: "WHAT??!!!" Obi-Wan: "Yeah, she died of hopelessness because somebody has turned to the dark side." Yoda: "Wonder who that somebody is we do not." Anakin: "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kim - the great and powerful

Publicerad 2013-04-15 23:35:18 i Allmänt,

Kim Jong Un is having a meeting with is military officers/daycare staff. He has a very serious expression on his face so you can really tell this guymeans business. Kim: "Soon America will pay! Moaha! Moaha!" Officer #1: "Uh, yeah! Moahaha! We'll show them, all right!" Kim: "Is everything going according to plan?" Officer #1: "Of course, sir! We are totally taking pictures of missiles and stuff and show them to the world, so yeah." Kim: "Great." Batman: "Not so fast, asshole!" Kim: "BAAAAAA!!!! Who the fuck are you?! Oh no, I said fuck! I'll have to put a penny in the swear jar! Bring me the swear jar!!!" Officer #1: "Immediately, sir!" Kim: "And you! I've never heard of you before!" Batman: "Not surprising! You live in a country that hasn't seen sunlight in a hundred years! That you are speaking English right now is nothing short of a miracle." Officer #1: "I accidently broke your swear jar, sir, I'm sorry. You can put a penny in this ashtray until we get you a knew one."
Kim: "You broke my swear jar?! Ähääääääääääääääää!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Batman: "Bummer, dude." Officer: "As I said, sir, I'm terribly sorry and will off course buy you a new one on the next big sale." Kim: "I WANT MY FUCKING SWEAR JAR!!! FUCK, I SAID FUCK AGAIN!!! Now I owe like... three pennies... Fix the jar!!" Officer #1: "But, sir, that's impossible!" Kim: "Go back in time and prevent yourself from fucking breaking it in the first place!" Officer #1: "Sir, we don't have a time machine!" Kim: "Then build one, Einstein, do I have to do all the thinking here?" Batman: "Jesus Christ, why am I even here...?" Kim: "Who sent you here?!" Batman: "A guy named Ludvig Nyberg, you might have heard of him." Kim: "I have, I like his blog. HOW'S THE FUCKING TIME MACHINE, OFFICER IDROPPEOPLESSWEARJARSALLTHETIME?!" Officer #1: "I'm watching Back to the future, see if I can get some ideas!" Kim: "Watch faster!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!" Officer #1: "SHUT UP!!!" Kim: "ÄHÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ!!!!!!!!!"

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