

Publicerad 2011-09-19 22:09:00 i Allmänt,

Keanu Reeves has just managed to get on the bus with the biggest bomb in the history of mankind attached to it. Some guys get scared and starts shooting wildly to get him off the bus. Keanu Reeves: "STOP SHOOTING! THERE'S A BOMB ON THIS BUS!!! And maybe I should stop yelling." Sandra Bullock: "We need to call Batman!" All the other passangers: "FUCK YEAH! CALL BATMAN!" Keanu Reeves: "What?! Why Batman?" Sandra Bullock: "Because, silly, he's the only person in the world who can save us." Keanu Reeves: "What, no! I'll save you! This is what I am destined to do! Save this bus!" Batman: "OK, I'm here." Keanu Reeves: "WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Who called him? I told you not to!" Random passenger: "I did. Ihi. That's how I laugh. Ihi."

KR (I call him that from now on) almost shoot the guy to death but is interrupted by Batman. Batman: "Stop this madness, Keanu! We need to figure out how to deal with this very difficult situation we find ourselves in. Sandra Bullock! Take the wheel!" Sandra Bullock: "But the driver hasn't even been shot yet." Batman: "I know but if you don't drive, then I can't stand there beside you and get a closer and closer relation to you as long as this adventure goes on. And then when we finally get of the bus totally safe we will kiss passionately and say some quirky lines that will melt the hearts of the viewers." KR: "OK, that does it! I'm the one who is supposed to do all that! Not you! You shouldn't even be here! Since when do you operate in Los Angeles anyway?"

Batman thinks about this for 15 minutes. Batman: "I think I did my first day here the 10th of MARS but I'm not sure..." KR: "I don't care!" SB: "Batman, let's make out." Batman: "Already? Yeah, sure." KR: "GAAAAAA!!!" KR goes over to the driver and jams the brake pedal to the floor, causing the bus to stop instantly. Nothing happens. Everybody screams "APRIL FOOLS" at KR. He doesn't appreciate the joke.


Jag stör mig på...

Publicerad 2011-09-18 00:20:10 i Allmänt,

Jag stör mig rätt grovt på avslagen cola
På artister som wailar, typ som Carola
Folk i bilar som vrålar gatan ner
Jag har hört trampbilar låta mer
Jag stör mig på folk som tror att de är nåt
När något är äckligt som man trodde var gott
Jag hatar när filmen man ser är för dåli'
Jag stör mig på strumpor det alltid går hål i
Ljudet precis innan regnet börjar ösa
Rubikskubshelvetet jag inte kan lösa
Bussar som är sena och som dessutom
Har bälten som fastnar när man drar ut dem
Jag stör mig på Treos brustabletter
Och allt som påminner om cigaretter
När det utan förklaring börjar klia på ryggen
När man varje sommar måste kämpa mot myggen
När Hollywood lägger typ en miljard
På en pissig censurerad version av Die Hard
Jag stör mig på folk som i sista stund sviker
Jag HATAR reklamerna för "Legend of the seeker"
När man får alldeles för lite i lön
När man hör: du har nu plats 20 i kön
Jag stör mig på mer som jag här har förbisett
Men det där med Die Hard tar nog fan priset


The dark knight rises

Publicerad 2011-09-02 22:46:06 i Allmänt,

"The dark knight rises" kommer ju bli den mest epica(?????) filmen någonsin. No doubt. Så då är det ju inte mer än rätt att man gissar lite vad som kommer hända! Här är när Batman först möter filmens skurk, Bane... Och varje gång man säger namnet Bane så spelas det cool musik för han lär ju vara typ coolaste skurken någonsin. Ja, skit samma:

Batman: "So... We meet at last. Bane!" Bane: "That's my name, don't wear it out, eheheheheheehehehee!" Batman: "Shut up! You are evil! You hurt people!" Bane: "Yep. And I love it." Batman: "Your name shouldn't be Bane. It should be... Lame! Eeeeeheee!" Bane: "Wow. That almost rhymed. But Batman... There is one thing you must know about me." Batman: "Ooooh! What secrets might lie beyond that mask of yours?" Bane: "I am your father." Batman: "Eeh..... Bullshit?" Bane: "It's not bullshit." Batman: "Oh, but it is bullshit. I saw my father getting shot to death when I was just a little rascal-boy! Yiiiiiiiiihaaaa!" Bane: "Wha...? Fucking weirdo... Anyway, that wasn't your father, it was your uncle. I am your real father, Bane Wayne." Batman: "That sounds retarded." Bane: "You're retarded!" "No! You're fat! Wait, if you are my father... Then you must know who I am!" Bane: "Yeah, I kind of expected you to realize that immediately. Who's the retarded one, hrrm?" Batman: "Oh, you sneaky sneakery sneaksy! OK, let's have a Retard-Off!" Bane: "Hit me." Batman: "What's the capital of Denmark?" Bane: "I don't know." Batman: "I don't know either. FUUUUUUUCK!!! WE'RE EQUALLY RETARDED!!!!!!!"

Mm... Den kommer bli grym. Drygt att det är så lång tid kvar.


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