
Man of steel

Publicerad 2013-06-30 00:26:08 i Allmänt,

Clark Kent is having lunch break at his job. He is eating a hot dog on the street when suddenly killer-fucking-robots attack! Citizen 1: "Oh no! Oh God lord in heaven! This is not good! Is there any man on earth that can save us from this catastrophy?!" Kent: "Yes! Off course! Superman will save us all!" Citizen 1: "But where is Superman?! If he truly cares for his city he should be here now!" Kent: "Oh, I think he will show up, wink wink!" Clark Kent runs off to find a phone Booth, the only place on the planet suitable for taking your clothes off and reveal the other clothes underneath. But wouldn't you know it, Clark Kent does not find any phone booth! Kent: "WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE PHONE BOOTHS???!!!" Citizen 2: "Eh...? Cell phone??? Du-uh?? Grandpa??" Kent: "Go. Shit. Your dad. In the face. I need to check something in the phone book!" Citizen 2: "Uh, du-uh? Check your I-Phone? DU-UH????!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Clark hits him. Citizen 2: "Oh my God! You hit really hard! Almost as if you are Superman! Oh no, how silly of me! Superman doesn't wear glasses!" Kent: "DO I HAVE TO BUILD A FUCKING PHONE BOOTH, MYSELF?!" Citizen 2: "Yes. Here, you might need this." The Citizen hands over a book with a very special title.
"Building a phone booth for dummies"
Kent: "What the fuck is this?" Citizen 2: "Well, it kind of sounded like you needed it, but do I know?" Kent: "I don't want any one telling me what to do, not even a book! I'll build the phone booth only with the knowledges on the subject I already have!" Citizen 2: "Well, the robots have destroyed the whole city now, so if you're gonne be Superman or something it's kind of too late." Kent: "Fuck you, you didn't know I was him!" Citizen 2: "I know now."


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