
Boromir dies

Publicerad 2013-01-19 21:39:21 i Allmänt,

Boromir lies on the ground, totally fucked up with arrows. Aragorn is there to hear his last words. They turn out to be some major compliment to Aragorn. After that...
Boromir: "UUUeeeöööHAEEEÖÖÖHHHH!!!!!!" That's the sound he does when he dies. Aragorn: "Rest in piece, son of Gondor." Aragorn kisses Boromir's forehead. Gimli: "EEEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aragorn: "FUCK YOU, GIMLI!!!!! I'M NOT FUCKING GAY! I'M DATING FUCKING ARWEN!" Legolas: "What!? Oh, the blasphemy! You're not of elvish blood, you, son of Arathorn!" Aragorn: "Legolas, seriously, I fucking love her!" Legolas: "Oh, yeah?" Gimli: "Oh yeah? Then why were you making out with Legolas' sister last night?" Legolas: "SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?????!!!!!! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Legolas tries to shoot Aragorn but Aragorn is to fast and jumps to the side. Aragorn: "Legolas, I only did it to piss you off!" Legolas: "FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!" Batman: "No, hold on! Stop fighting!"
Gimli: "What the fuck are you doing here?" Batman: "I'm here for the body. Have you all said your last farewells?" Gimli: "Aragorn kissed him." Batman: "EEEEEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S FUCKING GAY, MAN!!!!!" Aragorn: "STOP BEING SO FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC!!! I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE 21ST CENTURY!!!" Legolas: "It's not just gay, it's necrophilic too. The guy was dead when you kissed him!" Batman: "Holy shit, really?" Aragorn: "IT'S NOT LIKE I FUCKING FUCKED HIM!!!!" Gimli: "No, but it was foreplay." Legolas: "Yeah, shit, I was waiting for the wine and cozy music and the soft touching that lets him know there's no rush or anything." Aragorn: "SHUT UP!!! That's not what's going on here! I date Arwen!" Gimli: "And Legolas sister, just me making a little in-put here, don't mind me." Legolas: "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" Batman: "Don't you mean sisterfucker?" Legolas: "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"


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