L.A Inc
We now return to "People who we are supposed to feel sorry for because they have been through a hard time and now they want to get a tattoo" also known as "L.A Inc":
Tattoo artist Ztan is standing behind the counter, looking really cool with all his tattoos. A guy comes in. Guy: "Hey, I want to get a tattoo." Ztan: "Uh, yeah! We do that here! Hardcore!!! What do you have in mind, bro? Your my bro now." Guy: "My wife left me and my mother died so I wanna get like... a dragon that holds a spear and a lightning coming out of his left eye and a... like fire coming out of his mouth... and like, like he is holding a gun... that shoots roses and... yeah, he has like... two heads... the other one looks like Slash... like that..." Ztan: "Bro, I got it, man! I'm already on it, see you in a bit!" The guy leaves for five minutes while Ztan sketches the picture.
The guy comes back. Ztan shows him the drawing. Ztan: "BRO!!! Check it out, what do you think?" Guy: "Ah, man, I love it! It's better than I had ever imagined! IT'S GONNA BE THE BEST FUCKING TATTOO EVER!!!" Ztan: "Where do you want it?" Guy: "On my forearms. That's the coolest place to have tattooes because there everybody can see them." Ztan: "I hear you, bro! Let's get to it!" They do the tattoo and meanwhile Ztan asks the guy about the tough things he's been through and they have a deep conversation and everything gets so fucking emotional, and BAM, they're done. Ztan: "OK, bro. Take a look in the mirror." Guy: "OM MY GOD, I LOVE IT!!!!!!"