Melodi: Mandy, Barry Manilow
I had heard a rumor of
Something sent from up above
"OK, tell me more. What is her adress?
Have we met before? Is she a princess?"
No, apparently she's not
Nonetheless, she's smoking hot
Finally, one day I got to meet her
Thought she would be sweet but damn she was sweeter
Oh, Britney. All the women on earth couldn't top you
You are miss Universe
Oh Britney. If you are like a priest I'm a church pew
This song has gotten worse
Oh, Britney
Mumin: "Fuck! I suck!" Jag: "Ja, det rimmade ju i alla fall." Mumin: "Jag kommer aldrig få Britney Spears! Ähääääääääääääääääääääää!!!!!!!!!" Jag: "Eh... Ryck upp dig!"
Fan vilken bra socionom jag kommer bli.