
Paranormal Activity

Publicerad 2012-06-01 20:39:37 i Allmänt,

John and Susie have had a whole lot of trouble with some kind of entity living in their house. He just wont stop fucking around with them! So they bring a medium home. They only had to pay him 300$. Now, let's see what happens...

Medium: "Entity! Do you hear me? Entity! ENTITY!!" John: "Um... please, keep it down. We don't want to disturb the neighbours." Medium: "I am trying to help you here! Entity! What gives?!" Susie: "He rarely talks, actually." Medium: "Eh? Yeah... That's the cool thing about mediums. They talk to ghosts whenever the fuck they want to!" John: "Hey! We didn't sign up for this!" Medium: "Oh, OK. I thought you did sign up for getting the ghost out of here!" John: "Well, obviously we did not sign up for that because the ghost is still here." Medium: "You can't even see it so shut up! What do you know? Maybe the ghost left when I stepped through the door." Susie: "That would be odd. The ghost is sitting right there in the sackosäck(vetefan vad det heter på engelska)." Medium: "OK, thank you!!! Now, let me do my job. Oh, devious entity! Demonian entity! Why do you fuck around so much?" Entity: "Because that's how I roll, niggah!" Medium: "Holy shit, he's a rapper! OK, desperate times call for desperate means. Do you have any gun lying around?"

John: "Yeah, but why do you need it?" Medium: "A gun is the only thing that can kill a rapper!" Susie: "Even a ghost-rapper?" Medium: "MAYBE!!!" John: "Here you go." Medium: "DIE, ENTITY-MOTHERFUCKER!!!" He starts shooting maniacally. The entity dies and everybody's happy!



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