
The trial

Publicerad 2012-07-01 14:41:18 i Allmänt,

A guy has been murdered and another guy arrested and now is the trial. Yeah, I'm a good writer... Whatever, let's see what happens.
Judge: "Mr. Clark! You are prosecuted for the murder of some random guy. How do you plea?" Mr. Clark: "Not guilty!" Judge: "Oooh, that's original. There is some DNA, fingerprints, pictures and cirkumstances that tell another story." Mr. Clark: "Well, they lie!" Judge: "You're fucking guilty!" Prosecutor: "Ehm, sorry, but it's kind of my job to say that, your Honor." Mr. Clark: "Thank you." Prosecutor: "You're fucking guilty, motherfucker!" Lawyer: "No, he's not!" Judge: "Oh, my God. Look at this, the prosecutor and the lawyer are not getting along! Fuck this, let's call in the first witness. Who's the first witness?" Juror: "Ludvig Nyberg." Judge: "Ah, fuck! Not that guy..." Juror: "What, do you know him?" Judge: "Yeah, he has this retarded blog where he writes about smurfs and Batman and shit. Well, OK, bring him in."
I enter. Prosecutor: "Mr. Nyberg! What did you see on this horrible evening?" Me: "Eh... A guy getting killed by another guy. That guy!" I point. Prosecutor: "I rest my case." Me: "But what if... Batman did it?! And falsely accuse that guy? Maybe he was dressed as that guy to make that guy look guilty!" Lawyer: "Wow, credibility." Prosecutor: "What the fuck are you doing!?" Me: "Accusing Batman! You know like in The dark knight. He takes the fall for Twoface's crimes. It's just like this! Mr. Clark is innocent like a Carebear! Or a smurf."
They threw me out.


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