
The story of a busdriver

Publicerad 2011-03-16 16:31:19 i Allmänt,

I was standing at a bus stop a cold evening. The bus was already one minute late so I was pissed off when it finally came in sight. But as it approached I noticed it didn't use its blinkers. First I was like "say whaaat? Is he not going to pick me up?" The bus slowed down to stop but he never put his blinkers on. I boarded the bus. "Why didn't you use your blinkers?" I asked the busdriver. "I thought you were gonna pass me or some shiiieet!" The busdriver sighed and said: "Well, I have my reasons. Personal reasons." "Well, tell me!" I demanded. And the busdriver told me an amazing story...................... Dots!

"Once I was in a fight with the inventor of the blinkers. He tried to kill me. He would have killed me if I hadn't been saved... by Superman!" "Holy ballshit!" I yelled. "That's an amazing story! That is fucking Oscar-stuff, you should go in to the movie industries with that as a script!" "Yeah... Anyway, that is why I never use the blinkers. I fucking hate the guy who invented them." I thought about the unimaginably, incredibly, amazingly, shockingly tremendous story and sat down in a seat. Suddenly I realized something. "Hey! Doesn't not using your blinkers get you in a lot of accidents?" "A shit load of accidents, yes sir!" he answered. We crashed ten seconds later.



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