Psychologist: OK, Robert. Why do you think you need therapy?
Robert: Well… It´s kind of embarrassing. I use the word “fuck” to much…
Psychologist: I see. How does this affect your life?
Robert: Well… Where the fuck do I start? Every fucking morning I wake up and say “good fucking morning” to my wife. She starts to argue about my fucking language, that I am a sick fuck that needs help in a fucking hospital. I ignore the fucking bitch and go to my fucking car and drive all four motherfucking miles to work. I work in an office with all these fuckos that call themselves my fucking colleagues. How the fuck did I end up in a fucking office? I wanna be a fucking lumberjack and cut down tree-motherfuckers all fucking day long. I don´t even fucking know how the fuck you are supposed to cure the fucking problem with me saying “fuck” all the time. Fuck, it´s hot in here! Do you have any fucking water or how the fuck do you survive in this fuck-hole?
Psychologist: Jeez… You clearly need to take actions against this behavior. You might scare people. Make them think it´s them you are angry with. But in fact you are not angry, you just really cannot stop saying… the F-word.
Robert: Oh, fuck… You really think every fucking person that hears me saying fuck thinks I am mad at him/her? I don´t wanna fucking hurt anybody! I´m the nicest fucking guy in the whole fucking state! Maybe I fucking should make a serious fuck-off effort to cut down the “fucks”. I don´t want to be referred to as “that motherfucker who says fuck all the fucking time”. Holy fucking Christ, give me some fucking help here! Show me the fucking light! Lift me out of this fucking hell of bad fucking language! Do you believe in God, mr Psycholofuckinggist? If you fail to fucking help me, then maybe motherfucking God doesn´t! Praise the fucking Lord! Hallefuckinglujah!
Psychologist: How is your relationship to your wife beside these arguments in the morning?
Robert: Oh, we fuck! We fuck every fucking night, motherfucker! I have fucked that woman every fucking way possible, I fucking tell you that! I don´t fucking see how I could fuck my fucking wife more than I already fucking do! We fuck so much people fucking call us on the phone complaining about all the fucking noises we make when we fuck! Oh, fuck it´s awesome…
Psychologist: You are a fucking freak, do you fucking hear me, motherfucker!? What the fuck is wrong with you? How can one fucking word bring so much fucking joy to a fucking human? What the fuck did you expect when you dragged your fucking ass over to this fucking clinic? That I would find a fucking cure for you? Oh, fuck you, there is nothing that can make you a better fucking person! You… are… a… fucking… FUCK!!!
Robert: My God, you don´t have to curse. I mean, we´re both civilized people…