

Publicerad 2012-01-03 00:26:33 i Allmänt,

We now return to "CSI".

Grissom and Willows come back to the scene of the crime for a second look. There might be something here that they have missed. Grissom looks at the floor. Grissom: "Whoa, look! That's strange." Willows: "What?" Grissom: "There are dead cats on the floor. Eight of'em." Willows: "Oh my God... The victim's sister is a cat breeder." Grissom: "Exactly. I think we have to take her in. She was definitaly here at the time of the murder." Willows: "But she said she was in Calcutta." Grissom: "Well, Catherine... Stay with me on this one, this case is more complicated than we could possibly have imagined. The sister... might be lying." Willows gasps, looses her balance out of utter chock and falls down in a chair. Willows: "WHAT!? Grissom... This is impossible! She told us she was abroad!" Grissom: "I know the feeling. This is a hell of a career choice, Catherine. You haven't seen half of it yet..."

The team brings the sister in to interrogate her once again. Sister: "What am I doing here?" Grissom: "There were cats at the crime scene! Busted!" Sister: "I was in Calcutta." Grissom: "No, you are lying." Sister: "OK, I killed her, you got me, congratulations." Willows: "Why did you do it?" Sister: "Uh... Why do you wanna know? You're CSI. Why am I even talking to you guys? You're not even cops! You're fucking CSI! Your job is to investigate crime scenes, write reports and then, DONE! Your job is done, what the fuck are you doing in an interrogation room?" Willows: "Well... Eh... We... eh... Can't you just let us pretend this job is cooler than what it really is?!" Sister: "It's not! The coolest thing you do is cutting maggots open to find out how long a body has been lying in the forest!" Willows: "Fuck you!" Grissom: "Eh, you can't say fuck on this network..." Willows: "FUCK THE NETWORK!!!" Sister: "Can I go?" Grissom: "Yeah, sure, do whatever the fuck you want. I quit."


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